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1883 August Overskirt (TV365)

1883 August Overskirt (TV365)



The August overskirt design is seen in several fashion plates from the early 1880’s. It was very popular during the transitional period of 1882 -1884, when the bustle was reintroduced after a period of unsupported skirts. It is designed to be worn with an underskirt and bustle petticoat TV101. It can be worn for any of the bustle era’s, including Natural Form.

The front gored apron is heavily swagged with pleats at the side seams. The back has large poufs which are held in place by tapes, with the hem draped up to give the back an oval appearance. The button closure is in the left side seam.

Sizes XS-XXL (Waist 50 – 100 cm = 20 – 40″) included.